Product Strategy
Deliverables & Syllabus
Preparation materials on how to populate their initial business plan are sent to client. Participants in the workshop get familiar with them before the workshop.
Includes training on the best practices in building successful products as well as hands-on work. Check out the complete syllabus of the workshop.
Short description of all hypotheses behind the overall business model of your product - including main problems to be solved, targeted customer segment, unique value proposition, top competitors, key distribution channels, key metrics, revenue streams and cost structure.
Quick validation of the main hypotheses using secondary research data sources, update of the lean canvas if necessary.
Prioritized list of all customer segments based on their profitability and potential to be won. A beachhead segment is selected.
Short description of the top priority user and buyer personas, ready to be tested.
Product & strategy comparison for the top 2-3 competitors.
Initial pricing model and tiers hypotheses formulated.
Estimation of the total addressable market size.
A questionnaire and a complete interview script for problem validation interviews prepared.
Problem validation interviews
Interviews with at least 5 customers per week are conducted with the goal to validate the problem to be solved.
A questionnaire and a complete interview script for solution validation interviews prepared.
Solution validation interviews
Interviews with at least 5 customers per week are done with the goal to validate if the solution is feasible and valuable to customers.
Based on the findings from the customer discovery interviews, a decision to proceed or not to proceed with this business plan and product is made.
Follow-up sessions with Questups to address any questions and provide feedback on the deliverables.